As what has been mentioned before, to engage in bare backing is an individual choice, or the choice of both partners, thus the onus is on the people who are involved.



Nevertheless, if more and more info concerning the consequences and repercussions that bareback sex brings will be made public, then it will most likely positive about

better results such as making the general public become more aware of those stuff. There may be a change of opinions as well as behaviour with regards to this kind of

sexual act, and this could be the step that could totally prevent STDs from attacking more and more people, no matter what their sexual orientations are, around the


Gay Men & STDs- what are the exact reasons why gay men have always been at a higher risk of contracting an STD? Discover the truth and the answers.

Regrettably, it has become a generalized idea that gay men and sexually transmitted diseases are two things which are intricately connected. It has also been quite a

long time already that the society has connected gay sex with that of the issue of STDs, and this idea is still alive these days. Because of the permanent high number

of cases regarding sexually transmitted diseases among the gay men, one particular query never disappears: Why is still there a persistent practice of unsafe sex among

gay men?

'Bare-backing' is the term which refers to the circumstance when one does not practice having safe sex, which means having a sexual intercourse without the use of any

condom. It is a option made by a person or those who practice it. The question is why are there a lot of gay men still doing these kind of things? The decision to take

part in barebacking is not easy especially when individuals and situations that are involved in this entire event change. If one is practicing anal sex with a steady

sexual partner, one regular sex buddy, or that of a number of different individuals, there are strong chances that one has been faced with the question of whether to

participate in bareback or not.

Most of the times, during the act of unsafe sex, the persons involved are not able to stop and consider the possible lasting effects and consequences that can be

brought about by their decision. It has always been a common fact that unprotected anal sex can immensely increase any chances of an individual getting an HIV disease

or other types of STDs. However we should not also overlook that barebacking  still requires individual thinking so it is not proper to generalize that all gay men are

practicing this. Each gay man, exactly like any other person, is still his own individual.

There are quite several reasons why bareback is widely practiced by gay men, however the individual person and the particular situation play an important role in the

decision making. Some of these reasons may include:

-the belief that all gay men will eventually and unavoidably contract an STD, especially the HIV disease, so most are driven to think that the worries needs to be

tossed in the air and just appreciate sex (even if its unprotected) as much as possible.

-the 'Live for the Moment' thinking

-both sexual partners have already been infected with a sexually transmitted disease

-low self-respect

-drug abuse

As what has been mentioned before, to engage in bare backing is an individual preference, or the choice of both partners, thus the onus is on the people who are

involved. Nevertheless, if more and more info regarding the consequences and repercussions that bareback sex brings will be made public, then it will most likely

optimistic about better results such as making the public become more aware of those stuff. There could be a change of thoughts as well as behaviour with regards to

this sort of sexual act, and this could be the step that could totally prevent STDs from attacking more and more people, no matter what their sexual orientations are,

world wide.

Gay Men & STDs- what are the actual reasons why gay men have always been at a higher risk of contracting an STD? Find out the truth and the answers.

No one really wants to admit he or she has an sexually transmitted disease (STD). No one wants to come out and confess. With the stigma about STDs from the Bible times

to the present-day media, infected people prefer to shut their mouth and curl up in their shame. STDs remain the unspeakable, a taboo, and only couple of would stand

up and say they are infected.

No one would claim a disease, and instead of professing, people would do the blaiming. For example, during war times, Syphilis was called the "enemy's disease". It was

stated that the Italians called it "the Spanish disease." The French named it "the English disease." Russians named it "the Polish disease." Arab people labelled it

"the disease of the Christians."

In spite of tremendous breakthroughs in understanding, controlling and distributing details about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), people would still deny them.

Instead of understanding, they turn their heads towards ignorance. Ignorance and misconception always cause discrimination. Despite the fact that we are in the

technological age, most people feel like they are going to be burnt at the stakes like it is in the witch hunting centuries.

Because few people voice out their predicaments, not possible to you can't really get an precise account of how many people have sexually transmitted diseases. Data

will never be 100% right, since there are millions of people who are scared to report their cases.

But as times get better and as STD cases get out in the public, though there is always the taboo, the simplest way to get individuals aware is to get it out there.

Misinformation about STDs is progressively fading away, and people are starting to believe that STD are real.

They've been around for hundreds of years and the viruses, bacteria and fungi that caused them have also evolved like we have.  It is only via positive support and

assisting that we can teach and learn about these conditions. If not the microorganisms, at least we will be able to defeat the prejudice.

Until the people stop denying the condition, these diseases will press on society silently and lethal. And till people stop placing negativity in this human dilemma,

the circle of ignorance and prejudice will continue to revolve just like the diseases we attempt to hide. They will remain and continue to affect people.

STD Denial- nobody wants to acknowledge where they come from, and people just want to blame others.  STDs are running rampant and we're pointing fingers. What do we


Elder sex was previously a taboo topic, which no one wanted to discuss. However, as Baby Boomers have aged, yet, the topic is becoming more accepted. Even television

advertisements, now advertise medications to help people maintain sexual function into older adulthood. And as this subject of sexual activity has become a little more

accepted, the realization that this demographic is prone to contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

In a report from CBS News, a survey revealed that married seniors ages 60-to-64 regularly take part in sex. The truth is, the study revealed that 87 percent of married

men and 89 percent of married women in that age range enjoy elder sex regularly. However, the statistics do show that those numbers lower dramatically for seniors over

the age of 80.

Regrettably for these seniors, they are still at risk of contracting the same sexually transmitted diseases that any other age demographic is prone to.  According to

statistics, around 10 percent of AIDs victims are over 50 and around three percent are over 60. In addition, experts think HIV infection rates among older Americans

are most likely even higher than the statistics indicate because of misdiagnosis, under-reporting, and under-testing.

Many of the symptoms of AIDS are often falsely diagnosed because they mimic the natural aging process. Sometimes it's difficult for physicians to find out if an

individual has the flu or is infected with the virus. Symptoms of both may include night sweats, chronic fatigue, weight loss, dementia and swollen lymph nodes.

The reason some seniors get STDs may be because their childbearing years are past and they see little need for the use of safe sex practice.  Furthermore, while many

younger generations have been learning about STDs, seniors typically know less about these illnesses, including how the disease is spread and the significance of

prevention. Many seniors are coming back to the dating scene after being divorced or widowed, and many aren't aware of the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases

and for that reason are not able to take the correct precautions.

Just like all demographics, the best way of slowing this trend is by public awareness of what can be faced when you have sexual intercourse with someone.  Sexually

transmitted diseases must be common language for people, so they will know what they are facing should they encounter somebody that might be infected.  Seniors are

part of our society, and they also have to be educated on these things, and it is up to us to educate them

STDs & Seniors- as much as people don't want to talk about it, there is a problem with STDs in the senior population. Find out all about it.

The terms sexually transmitted disease (STD) and sexually transmitted infection (STI) are generally used interchangeably and many of us presume that they are the same.

Are they really identical? Or do they represent varying types of sexually transmitted illness?

Both categories came within one term named Venereal Disease (VD) fifteen years ago. Venereal Disease is a popular term utilized to categorize various types of


std testing houston

infections and diseases transmitted through sexual actions. To better identify them, they are grouped into diseases (STD) and infections (STI). An infection is

characterized by means of the existence of a bacteria, germ, virus or parasite in the body. Anyone who is infected may not recognize some symptoms, therefore they are

not aware that they are sick. A disease, on the other hand, is any type of strange condition in the body or the mind in which shows its symptoms.